Hello Tadreamers, I would like to announce an idea which may be of interest to those TD afficionados who can't get enough of unreleased TD concerts: another tree (oh no, not again ;-) called "Tangerine leaves" ....which deals with releasing low generation audience recordings that will not get included in the "Tangerine Tree" series for various reasons, like for example concerts of the 70s which have a more or less mediocre sound quality even though we have a master tape or a copy thereof (btw, "mediocre" means that the recording is still listenable and interesting, and please keep in mind that every TD concert up to 1978 was totally improvised), or master tape recordings from concert tours of the 80s and 90s where it's enough to use just the two best sources for the "Tangerine Tree" series (because each gig within a concert tour had more or less the same music with just very little improvisation, and for "TT" the most important factors are the variety of concerts and the sound quality) But I still would consider these concerts as interesting, especially those from the early 80s where there was still room for improvisation. Of course all these recordings would get that special "tree remastering" which makes them stand above the rest (hopefully), and this would also be a good opportunity to create some more of the great artwork covers." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since then most of the time was spent for the preparation of Tangerine Tree # , but now the first leaves can fall onto the ground (or into your CD player ;-) Tangerine leaves #1 will consist of 12 concerts and a total of 21 CDRs: --> Volume 1: London Dominion Theatre 06 November 1982 --> Volume 2: Burg Nideggen 24 August 2002 --> Volume 3: York Minster 20 October 1975 --> Volume 4: Toronto Massey Hall 01 September 1988 --> Volume 5: Brussels Cirque Royal 17 March 1978 --> Volume 6: Coventry Cathedral 04 October 1975 --> Volume 7: Aachen Eurogress 21 January 1981 --> Volume 8: Dublin National Stadium 01 November 1980 --> Volume 9: Berlin Reichstag 29 August 1981 --> Volume 10: London Shepherds Bush Empire 30 November 1996 Pt 1 --> Volume 11: London Shepherds Bush Empire 30 November 1996 Pt 2 --> Volume 12: Ottawa Performing Arts Center 20 June 1986 (more details about the recording quality, tape generations etc. in a separate mail!) Just like "TT" this tree will require another database and a sign-up procedure, and Maff already promised me to take care of it. He will will set up the database and post a follow-up message very soon, telling everyone how this tree will function and how to sign up. Unlike "TT" I assume that not all the concerts within 'Tangerine leaves' will appeal to everyone, so this means that most of the participants will just select those concerts which they think might be good (maybe you prove me wrong ;-). *** I consider this tree to be much more interesting for those afficionados who want to dig deeper into the unreleased live recordings of Tangerine Dream, and this was also the reason why the first round has a massive 21 CDRs to choose from*** ********************************************************************** Here is some more detailed information: Volume 1: London Dominion Theatre 06 November 1982, 2 CDR, 117 min. -> master tape copy, remastered by (Side Effects). The music is identical to TT#2, Vol. 12 Croydon 1982. As most of you will know the "Logos" album was taken from this performance, and you can still hear the "Tangerine Dream!" introduction (the "Dominion in London, thanks for being patient. Please welcome.." is missing here) Although the sound quality isn't on par with that of Croydon 82 it's nevertheless the best sounding recording from this show, and I would rate it 7/10 for sound quality (music 10/10 :-) As a bonus we included an excerpt from the soundcheck, a groovy improvisation which lasts for 8+ minutes. Volume 2: Burg Nideggen Eifel-Festspiele 24 August 2002, 1 CDR, 79 min. --> the music was taken from the I-NET TV webcast, so the sound quality is very good (9/10 maybe). The music is pretty much identical to the "Inferno" TDI release, but I'm sure that those who like the music will also find this concert interesting :-) Volume 3: York Minster 20 October 1975, 1 CDR, 79 min. --> this recording will come as a big surprise because it is the REAL York Minster show which so far has been heard by only very few people. The tape that was circulating as York is in fact Manchester Hardrock 19 October 1975. York Minster is a master tape copy which has been remastered by "3N", and what a great job he did (because the original had a very poor sound and was in a bad condition) Although the sound quality still isn't better than maybe 5-6/10, the slower, non-sequenced parts are truly mindblowing and belong to the best I have heard from that tour. Especially the first 8-9 minutes of the encore are just *incredible* and gives me goosebumps each time I hear it, as does the first 13 minutes of Track 1. Volume 4: Toronto Massey Hall 01 September 1988, 2 CDRs, 118 min. --> For the "Tangerine Tree" we will most certainly release the New Haven 9.9.88 soundboard tape, but until then this will be the first tree recording from the "Optical race" tour. Sound quality is close to 8/10, and this was the concert were they had a power outage for a couple of minutes during "Marakesh", that's why it's only 1.01 minutes long :-) Remastered by (Side Effects). Volume 5: Brussels Cirque Royal 17 March 1978, 2 CDRs, 92 min. --> most collectors will know that 1978 wasn't a good year for audience recordings, nearly all of them had a rather bad sound quality and only 3 or 4 tapes were ok (but still miles away from recordings like for example Nottingham 76, TT#1 Vol.1) Brussels Cirque Royal makes no difference, sound quality is not better than 5-6/10. But it has been remastered straight from the master tape and IMO it was one of TD's better performances (there were some gigs during the "Cyclone" tour where the word "untogether" would have been a compliment ;-) For those who like Cyclone it's worth a try. Remastered by (Side Effects). Volume 6: Coventry Cathedral 04 October 1975, 2 CDRs, 90 min. --> a master tape recording of TD's first gig during their UK tour, remastered by (Side Effects). Sound quality is maybe 5/10 only, but still it is interesting for those who love the old TD mellotron sound. The first track is very atmospheric and non-sequenced , the second and longest track however has lots of variety..I'd really love to hear ED's tape (in case it still exists). Thanks again to Chris W. for recording and sharing :-) Volume 7: Aachen Eurogress 21 January 1981, 2 CDRs, 108 min. --> another great sounding recording from the European 1981 tour, and a very special gig too. To quote Scott Plumer's "Mysterious semblance: a TD chronology": 'During an encore, the band left the stage, letting the sequencers continue to play to a bemused audience. When the band returned, they were wearing gorilla suits! Franke's mask was on upside down. After walking around the stage, waving to the audience, they returned to their positions and finished the show so clad" Remastered by Analogue dreams. Volume 8: Dublin National Stadium 01 November 1980, 2 CDRs, 106 min. --> sound quality ca 7/10, remastered by (Side Effects). A great concert which everyone seems to have enjoyed. Great keyboard solos (by Johannes Schmoelling?) Also has a very interesting piano improvisation on Disc 1 where Schmoelling is playing a theme most of you will know, and which caused a big roar from the crowd. Volume 9: Berlin Reichstagsgelände 29 August 1981, 2 CDR, 94 min. --> surely one, if not THE noisiest TD audience recording ever. This was a "free concert for nuclear disarmament and world peace" which was held at the Platz der Republik. The music though is quite interesting as TD played some tracks from the Wavelength soundtrack two years before its release. Remastered by (Side Effects), sound quality ca. 7/10. Volume 10 & 11: London Shepherds Bush Empire 30 November 1996, 3 CDRs, 192 min. --> here you get almost everything: the complete DAT recording, all four excerpts from the "Radio Eins Elektrobeats" Shepherds Bush special in studio sound quality, plus two tracks from the soundcheck. Sound quality is also very good to excellent. Remastered by (Side Effects). Volume 12: Ottawa National Arts Center 20 June 1986, 2 CDRs, 106 min. --> a very good recording of a great concert which also has less talking than Laguna Hills TT Vol. 24. Sound quality 7-8/10, remastered by (Side Effects). I love everything TD played during the "Underwater sunlight" tour, so you will never hear any complaints from me :-)